Loving Kindness, Soul


Recently, I have been feeling a lot of tugging at my heartstrings. You may not see my heartstrings, but I promise you, they are there. They are fibrous tendrils that extend from my core. They are bits of colors spinning in a kaleidoscope. Like the roots of a tree or the vessels that run through my physical body, some are big, others small; some are singular, others have tributaries. They all emerge from a giant knot, a beautiful mess. My heartstrings can’t be broken, but they can become sick. Tugs on healthy heartstrings provide encouragement, affirmation, and love. Sickly heartstrings can, too, be pulled to remind me of shadow, hurt, and fear. No matter the state of the pulled heartstring, each one ties me to a piece of my Purpose. The people that I love. The place that will always be home. Each moment I have wished that I could pause in memory forever. Every animal I have ever cared for. The sun that rises in the morning. The possibility of the future. The people who have hurt me. The moments I once wished that I could erase. Everything I have lost. The things that I wish I could change about this world. The riddle of the future. All of these things together, in harmony with one another, tug at my heartstrings. Some of the strings are in constant vibration, while others lie dormant for years. My heartstrings. My symphony.

